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Wahhabism, which allegedly emerged as a religious reclamation in the midst of XVIIIth century, is reviewed in paralel with Salafism. Shaped as a result of challenging conditions of modernization process and reinterpreted through a Western approach, Salafism, on the other hand, is desired to replace the Notion of Salafiyyah which was founded by Ahmad bin Hanbel and later reached its conceptual meaning by İbn Taymiyyah. However, a concept of the XIVth century, Salafiyyah differs from both Salafism and Wahhabism. The intentional use of the notions interchangeably at certain times may be interpreted as an endeavor for transferring the deep-rooted ideological history of Salafiyyah to both Wahhabism and Salafism. Wahhabism has adopted a reactive approach against Sufism since the formative period, striving to linking this reactive stance with renowned figures of Salafi school. Wahhabism mostly argues its criticisms through the discourse of bid'ah, hence trying to address the discussion on theological ground which lies behind the socio-political aspects of the matter to be disregarded.


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Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
