The Theory of existence of İsmail Kalanbawi who is the Ottoman scholar of the word(kalam) and the logic in 18th century (defense of unity of being/wahdat al wujud)
Kalanbawi as a powerful Ottoman scholar lived in 18th century clearly shows his potency and having a thorough knowledge of the Word (Kalam) and the Logic in his works and proves his opinions based on the relationship between reason and result in his explanations. In terms of existence, Kalanbawi believes that the Existence (: Wujud) is not other than the existence of self whose existence by his own Essence. In his view, this existence, namely, Allah, is al-juz’iyyu’l-haqiqiyyu (: the True Partial) that the quantitability is impossible to think for the truth of His Essence and it is also impossible to be broken up at the truth in His Essence, and He is kept aloof from being any movables or incarnating other or being a place for others to incarnate. Keywords Kalanbawi Ismail, Existence necessarily, existence, unity of being.