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This is the definition of religious pluralism, religious exclusion, religious inclusiveness, and religious plurality, which are other related concepts. The possibility of religious pluralism in Sufism and Mevlana's world of ideas was examined. Although the concept of religious pluralism is a philosophical approach brought to the agenda and systemized by Western Philosophers of Religion, it is known that similar intellectual currents exist in previous centuries and different geographies. Religious pluralism is the name of the view that accepts all religions in the world, especially the great living religions, as ways to reach God at an equal level. There are claims that the idea of religious pluralism was voiced and put into practice by some prominent Sufis and especially Mevlânâ. It is a controversial issue to what extent concepts such as affection, tolerance, felah and najat, which are frequently used in Islamic Sufism literature, are compatible with or inconsistent with religious pluralism. In the study, it has been tried to examine whether Mevlana can be accepted as a religious pluralist or whether there is a finding similar to the nature of religious pluralism or religious exclusion from the theories mentioned in his concept terminology.


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AYDINLI WEB TASARIM --> İrtibat için: aaydinli@gmail.com

Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
