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In this study, the issue of sainthood (walayah), which constitutes the mainstay of the science of Sufism, is discussed within the framework of the approaches of Ibn al-'Arabi, one of the distinguished names in the history of Sufism. The themes that were added to or transformed into the agenda of Sufism with Ibn al-'Arabi also show the dimensions that he added to the doctrine of sainthood. In the study, the works of Ibn al-'Arabi were subjected to a chronological reading, thus it was revealed on which concepts the doctrine of sainthood was shaped in his different works. The issues of existence and knowledge form the subject of the first two parts of this study, since they make up the two crucial dimensions of the doctrine of sainthood. The third part of the study is devoted to the prophethood-sainthood discussions, which corresponds to one of the problematic areas since the early periods of the history of Sufism. In this sense, a perspective has been tried to be developed over the classical sources and secondary literature regarding the prophethood-sainthood discussions that emerged in the pre-Ibn al-'Arabi period. On the other hand, it has been put forward conceptually how Ibn al-'Arabi's understanding of existence and knowledge, which is based on a metaphysical understanding, affects and transforms the issues of prophethood-sainthood. In the third part of the study, the dimensions of the doctrine related to the debates on sealness (khatmiyyah) are also discussed, and Ibn al-'Arabi's perspective on the post-prophecy period has been clarified. Thus, in this study, the framework in which Ibn al-'Arabi carries the current understanding of sainthood at the level of doctrine has been revealed by emphasizing an approach centered on divine names.


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Hızlı Erişim


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AYDINLI WEB TASARIM --> İrtibat için: aaydinli@gmail.com

Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
