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Mawlawi Order in Corum: Historical Process and Last Representatives

Mawlawi Order has been an efficient school in Corum and its vicinity since its foundation. In addi-tion to being centers where the culture and art are survived structurally, Mawlawikhanas func-tioned as shelters and cookhouses, as evidenced by the archives. In this study, which has been prepared by reading within the lines of limited information in archives, emphasis has been put on the impacts of Mawlawi Order in Corum, the history, function of the building used as zawiya, and the spiritual successors (postnishin) in the last periods of Ottoman Empire.


Corum, Mawlawi Order, Mawlawikhana.

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Hızlı Erişim


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AYDINLI WEB TASARIM --> İrtibat için: aaydinli@gmail.com

Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
