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The approach of İbrahim Kûrânî (d.1690) to the Crıtıcısms about Ibnu’l-Arabî

Ibnu’l-Arabi and Ibn Teymiyye are the two major scholars in the Islamic world who have been ‎commemorated, loved and criticised at every century. In this study, Ibn Teymiyye’s and other ‎major criticisms of Ibnu’l-Arabi will be dealt with. For the answers to this criticism, Ibrahim Kûrânî ‎will be referred to, who is a XVII. century defender of Ibnü’l-Arabi. Since Ibrahim Kûrânî is known ‎for his salafî approach he approves Ibn Teymiyye’s ideology and due to this quality of his, Ibrahim ‎Kûrânî acts as a mediator for the two authors. The opinions of other scholars will be mentioned ‎where appropriate.‎


‎Ibn Taimiya, Sufism, criticism, defence, aggrement (mediatory)‎

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Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
