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The Analysis of Mathnawi by Ismail Rusuhi Anqarawi a Methodological Approach to the ‎Meaning in Mathnawi

The purpose of this article is to clarify Ismail Rusuhi Anqarawi’s methodological approach to the ‎meaning in Mathnawi of Rumi. The seventh sheikh of the Mawlawikhane in Galata, Anqarawi is the ‎author of Majmu’at al-Lata’if va Matmurat al-Ma’arif, a Mathnawi commentary in Turkish, which had ‎been most commonly read in Ottoman era. There are some insufficient imaginations on Rumi and ‎his Mathnawi in the modern times both in East and West. The underlying fact of such insufficient ‎imaginations is the ignorance of the methapysical dimensions and multiphase meanings ‎indicating shari’ah, tariqah and haqiqah in Mathnawi. Anqarawi’s Mathnawi analysis and ‎commentary, in such a context, provides us a perfect point of view in understanding Rumi’s ‎mathnawi and his thought of Sufism. ‎


Mawlana, Mathnawi, Ismail Rusuhi Anqarawi, Commentary of Mathnawi, Analysis, word, meaning

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